National Honor Society

The following information is being reviewed by the National Honor Society Faculty Council and will be updated after review.


The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide association sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). It is dedicated to promoting academic excellence and fostering qualities of character, leadership, and service.  Membership is an honor bestowed upon a student.


To be eligible for membership, the candidate must complete his/her sophomore year and adhere to the following criteria:

  1. The student must have a minimum weighted cumulative scholastic average (WCSA) of 3.7 and have been in attendance at Hanover High School the equivalent of one semester before being invited to submit his or her portfolio. Beginning with the class of 2020, the student must have a minimum WCSA of 3.85. Starting with the class of 2021, the student must have a minimum WCSA of 4.0.  
  2. The student must have held a minimum of one leadership position in the school or community prior to his or her junior year.
  3. The student must have completed a minimum of 40 hours for one or more service activities during his or her high school career.

Eligible students are notified in writing the summer after their sophomore year and are asked to submit a completed Candidate Portfolio. A Faculty Council approved by the Principal selects students by majority vote on the basis of leadership, service, and character as derived from the Candidate Portfolio, faculty, and administrative input, and the student Interview. All applicants are notified in writing of the Faculty Council’s decisions. Any student who violates the National Honor Society Constitution and/or school rules will be subject to suspension or dismissal from the Society.


The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide association sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). It is dedicated to promoting academic excellence and fostering qualities of character, leadership, and service. Membership is an honor bestowed upon a student. The following bylaws are consistent with the NHS Constitution and will govern the procedures of the Sylvester Chapter.

View the National Honor Society Bylaws.