Social Emotional Resources

Dear Hanover Families,SEL

We, your school nurses and psychologists, wanted to reach out to you to provide some information and reassurance to help you navigate the next few weeks.

When anything stressful or challenging is going on in life, it can be difficult to know how to talk to our kids of all ages. Kids, whether three or seventeen, look to adults to figure out what they need to know and how they should react. In the Hanover Public Schools, our staff and administrators always want to help support you with these conversations. The following suggestions from the National Association of School Psychologists may be helpful in discussing COVID-19 (a type of Coronavirus).

Mental Health Resources

Area Mental Health Resources

Below are links to resources that you or your child may find helpful. Hanover Public Schools does not endorse any specific provider, service or resource. As always, please preview any resource for appropriateness prior to encouraging your child to utilize it.