

Playing games like checkers and chess, as well as card games including UNO, Hearts, Go Fish and Speed teach problem-solving, planning and cooperation (such as taking turns and handling frustration). Board games are also great for this, such as Monopoly, Sorry! and Yahtzee. Games like Jenga and Operation improve attention, concentration, coordination and frustration tolerance. Another plus is that playing games together is fun for everyone and helps strengthen family bonds. Try it once a week and see what it does for your child and your relationship.

PBS PBS Online Games for Kids

icebreaker Card Games for Kids

word searchPrintable Word Search Puzzles for Kids

Escape Room Build Your Own Escape Room 

Printable Hidden Pictures for Kids


All Kids Network Hidden Pictures

The Spruce Crafts Hidden Pictures

Woo Jr. Hidden Pictures

Brain Exercises

riddlesRiddles for Kids


Outdoor Games

Learn With PlayOutside Adventures