Cedar School Dress Up Day 10/26/21

This is a reminder that this Friday, October 29th, Cedar will be having a Dress Up day to celebrate Halloween. Please send your child to school in their Costume, or send the costume in a bag (ONLY if they can put it on independently). Please do not include masks that would prevent vision, weapons, or super scary costumes. Remember that your 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 year old will be wearing it at school all day while playing, eating, and at recess. Some families have chosen in the past to wear a different costume than their "this year's Halloween costume" to prevent any mishaps. We will be having a parade outside for the school and will be videoing it for families to see.

There is no school next Tuesday, November 2nd and Picture Retake Day will be November 4th. Our School newsletter will be coming out on Thursday with a lot more information, so please keep an eye out!!

Thanks so much!

We hope that you are staying dry and positive in this gloomy weather. We teach our Cedar friends that we always "carry our own weather" around us and we keep that sunshine over our heads.

Ellen and Garry