Cedar School Mask Break Update 10/8/21

Thank you for your ongoing support and patience as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to provide you with some additional information about mask breaks at Cedar School. Any student who requests a mask break during the day is provided the opportunity to do so at any time. Mask breaks are taken outdoors whenever possible. As the weather changes, we are increasingly adding indoor mask breaks.

When outdoor mask breaks are not feasible, or our students need an additional mask break, they are taken inside with as much social distancing as possible, and windows open. Over the past few days, indoor mask break announcements were made by administrators in each building to ensure our students and staff are comfortable and familiar with these routines. Moving forward, they will be embedded in the daily schedule for consistency. Please be assured that students may remove their masks at any time to drink water at their desks.

We understand that mask breaks are a very important part of the daily routine. Please know that we are working to improve our protocols and options for these breaks as we use our data - and experiences to date - to increase these opportunities in a safe, consistent, and organized manner.

What do mask breaks look like throughout the day at Cedar School?

There are many natural breaks that occur throughout the day and students are encouraged to take a mask break when needed.


  • Outdoor Recess - No masks are needed outside.
  • Indoor Recess - Students may spread out to the breakout spaces outside their classroom to have snack and/or to take a mask break for all or part of the recess.

PE Classes

  • Outdoor PE - No masks are needed.
  • Indoor PE - Masks are needed and students are able to step out to the entry outside the gym doors and take a mask break at any time.


  • Students are seated in small groups and distanced as much as possible.
  • Masks are removed as soon as students are seated and remain off during the lunch period.
  • Seats are assigned for lunches in the event contact tracing is necessary.

Classrooms and throughout the day

  • When outdoor mask breaks aren’t possible, or whenever needed, students will have masks breaks in the classroom, with window(s) open when possible, generally 5-10 minutes or less, and typically when students are seated and working independently.
  • Indoor mask breaks may also occur in one of the breakout spaces outside of the classroom where students can distance 3 to 6 feet from others.
  • Students may remove their masks at any time without asking to drink water at their desks.


  • Masks are required at all times while riding the bus to and from school.
  • Windows open.

Our goal is to get outside for some part of every day. We ask for your support by sending your child to school dressed for the weather and with the appropriate footwear for walking and running on the playgrounds and fields as the cooler months begin.


Mr. Pelletier
Mrs. McLaughlin