FACE Reopening Plan FAQ's


As we continue to develop plans for the reopening of schools, we recognize that the Office of Family & Community Engagement (FACE) Before and After School Programs provide essential support to our working families.   We are committed to the health and safety of our students, families, and staff and will implement all necessary protocols to minimize risk. Given the current guidance and operational logistics of the hybrid reopening model, FACE will implement a phased reopening approach beginning with reduced enrollment capacity and hours of operation, working towards a return to full operations. Please note, these phases are subject to change in response to public health trends. 

FACE Phased Reopening Plan 

Phase 1 

AM, PM & ½ Kindergarten Care Programs will open on Monday, September 21, 2020

Cedar School

Programs will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and closed on Wednesday.

AM Program, 7:00AM - 8:15AM 
Mixed Kindergarten & 1st Grade

½ Day Kindergarten Program
11:30AM - 3:00PM 

PM Program, 3:00PM - 5:30PM 
Mixed Kindergarten & 1st Grade

*Grade level groups & locations will be determined pending enrollment

Center School 

Programs will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and closed on Wednesday.

AM Program, 7:00AM - 8:15AM 
Mixed 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grades

PM Program, 3:00PM - 5:30PM 
Mixed 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grades

*Grade level groups & locations will be determined pending enrollment


Programs will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and closed on Wednesday.

PM Program, 2:15PM - 5:30PM

* Grade level groups pending enrollment 

Phase 2 

Remote Learning Center for students on their remote learning days. Site would be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and closed on Wednesday in alignment with the current school schedule. 

Ongoing evaluation of public health conditions, trends, community metrics, and family needs will guide our consideration for a Remote Learning Center for students during their remote learning days.  Pending those outcomes as well as the viability of a dedicated community space, FACE will provide care to students on their remote learning days.  The target date for opening is November 2020. 

Offsite location 

Grades 2nd - 8th 

AM Program, 7:00AM - 8:30AM 
Remote Learning Day, 8:30 - 2:30PM 
PM Program, 2:30PM - 5:30PM 

* Grade level classrooms (12 students each) 
* Combining grades may be necessary pending enrollment 

Phase 3 - Increased Capacity & Hours 

Ongoing evaluation of public health conditions, trends, and community metrics will guide our consideration of increased hours and enrollment. Pending those outcomes as well as available building space and social distancing recommendations, FACE will increase enrollment capacity as determined by current guidelines for the following: 

  • Open programs on Wednesdays
  • PM Programs open until 6:00PM 
  • Increase enrollment capacity 

A limited return to in-person FACE Enrichment Programs will be considered at this time pending our ability to safely do so. 

Phase 4 - Full Operations

The state of Massachusetts is currently in phase 3A. Phase 4 requires the development of vaccines and/or treatments to enable the resumption of the “new normal". A return to full enrollment capacity will not occur until the state of Massachusetts has entered this phase. 

Cedar School

AM Program, 7:00AM - 8:15AM
PM Program, 3:00PM - 6:00PM 
½ Day Kindergarten Program, 11:30AM - 3:00PM 

Center School  
AM Program, 7:00AM - 8:15AM 
PM Program, 3:00PM - 6:00PM 

PM Program, 2:30PM - 6:00PM 

A full return to in-person building based FACE Enrichment Programs. 

Health and Safety

Will all FACE Before & After School Program participants be required to wear a mask?
Yes. All students who participate in FACE Before & After School Programs will be required to wear a cloth face mask that covers the nose and mouth. If a student damages or forgets their mask while at FACE, we will provide a clean mask to the student. 

If a FACE student in grades K - 8 cannot wear a mask due to a medical condition, the parent/guardian must complete a HPS Health Services Mask Waiver form, signed by the parent, licenced medical provider (MD, NP or PA) and school nurse. Medical Mask Waiver Forms will be processed through the School Health Office and communicated privately to the student’s teacher(s) and staff who need to know for safety and educational purposes. If a FACE student in grades K- 8 cannot wear a mask due to their disability or developmental level, the waiver must be approved by the school nurse after consultation with the parent, teacher and school psychologist or guidance counselor.

Will there be a nurse onsite at each of the Before & After School Programs? 
Yes. At this time, a nurse will be onsite during the hours of operation at each program. 

Will FACE follow the same health & safety protocols of the Hanover Public Schools? 
Yes, FACE will follow all of the district health and safety protocols as outlined by Health Services.

What PPE will staff be wearing in the program? 
All FACE staff will be required to wear face masks that cover the nose and mouth.  Some of our staff who may potentially have close contact with a student will need to wear additional PPE such as face shields, eye protection, gloves, and gowns, depending on the nature of the contact.

Will there be mask breaks?
Yes, there will be mask breaks during both before and after school programs.  Students may also ask for a mask break at any time. Masks breaks will always be done with social distancing of at least 6 feet. Mask breaks outdoors will be the priority, weather permitting. 

There will be no masks worn at breakfast or snack. Students will have assigned seats and will eat 6 feet apart. 

Will protocols for handwashing and bathroom usage be the same for students in before and after school programs? 
Yes, protocols will be the same including designated bathroom usage and handwashing schedules built around before and/or after school activities (breakfast, snack, indoor activities, outdoor play, etc.).  

Students and staff will wash their hands with soap and water upon arrival, before and after breakfast or snack, after coughing or sneezing and before and after taking masks off and on.  If soap and water is not immediately available, an alcohol-based sanitizer may be used. 

FACE Operations

When will registration be conducted?  Will priority be given to essential workers and/or to families needing full-time care? Will FACE maintain a Wait List? 
Registration for the 2020/2021 FACE Before & After School Programs and Half-Day  Kindergarten Program will open on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 and close Friday, September 4, 2020. Families with students in Kindergarten - 8th grade will receive registration information via School Messenger. Registration information will also be posted on the FACE website and social media pages.

Enrollment will be determined using the cohorts established by the district.  

Priority will be given to students registering for full-time care (4 days at Cedar School and 2 days at Center School & HMS). At this time, we are awaiting additional guidance from the state with specifics regarding essential workers.

Enrollment for the 2020/2021 school year will be conducted by a lottery system. Families will be notified of their enrollment status on Tuesday September 8, 2020.

FACE will maintain and routinely evaluate a Wait List for all programs.

Will there be ½ day Kindergarten Program at Cedar School? 
Yes, there will be a  wrap-around care program for ½ day kindergarten students on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. The viability of this program will be determined by meeting the minimum enrollment of 10 students daily. The maximum number of students will be 12. 

Priority will be given to students registering for all 4 days. A lottery will be conducted only if necessary. 

Will FACE offer a child care program for remote learners? 
At this time, a Remote Learning Center is in Phase 2 of our phased reopening plan.  

Does attending a FACE Before or After School Program create an additional cohort(s) for students? 
Yes, attendance in a FACE  Before and/or After School program will create an additional student cohort(s) for your child.  Staff will implement all the necessary safety protocols to minimize risk for our students. 

Parents/Guardians will be required to complete a Town of Hanover Covid Waiver if enrolled in a FACE Before & After School program. 

Town of Hanover/Office of Family & Community Engagement COVID-19 Waiver 

Will attendance and dismissal be conducted differently?
Yes, parents/guardians will be asked to remain outside during drop off and pick up while staff conducts curbside attendance and dismissal. A parent/guardian area will be designated at each school where staff will greet families and escort students to and from the program. 

Where will student belongings be stored? 
Personal student belongings will remain with the student in his/her backpack either on the back of the chair or in close proximity to their space. 

Where will breakfast and snack be served? 
Breakfast and snack will be served in the designated lunch locations specific to each building plan and could include both the cafeteria or a designated common space. Cohorts of students will enter and leave these designated areas at staggered times. Students will sit 6 feet apart and masks will not be worn during breakfast or snack.

How will life-threatening allergies be managed? 
FACE will implement the same life-threatening allergy protocols followed during the school day and will refer to the students IHP for any modifications included for food consumption outside traditional eating locations. 

Will students be able to use the playgrounds and surrounding fields at each building? 
Yes, students will have the opportunity for free play on the playgrounds, fields, and blacktop areas at each school. Students will be required to maintain 6-foot distancing while outside to allow for the removal of masks. Students will wash or sanitize their hands before and after outdoor play. Playground equipment will be cleaned in accordance with the cleaning protocols for outdoor equipment.  

What program activities will be offered that encourage engagement and support social distancing? 
Staff will facilitate creative and recreational activities that encourage group engagement through socially distanced individual participation. Examples include backyard games, scavenger hunts, arts & crafts, athletic skill-building, dance & movement, creative writing, board & card games, storytelling, and more...

What supplies and materials will be available for students? 
Each student will have their own container with general supplies for activities including crayons, markers, pencils, scissors, etc. 

If schools experience a short or long term closure, will FACE also close? 
Yes. If the Hanover Public Schools experiences a short or long term closure due to public health conditions or a mandate from the state, all FACE child care programs will cease operation.

Will staff receive training to support the physical and social-emotional health of students? 
Yes. In addition to our required medical training (CPR, First Aid & EpiPen), all FACE staff will participate in all health and safety protocol training including COVID-19 cleaning. In addition, staff will receive training in the Second Step Out Of School Time Social Emotional Learning Program as well as other target areas to support professional growth and development. 

What are the student:staff ratios in the Before and After School Programs? 
FACE will maintain a 10:1 student to staff ratio. Additional staff will be onsite to support attendance/dismissal, transitions, breakfast/snack, nurse visits, parent/guardian communication, etc.  These staff will not be counted in the student:staff ratio. 

Will students go outdoors before and after school?
Yes. Students will go outside as much as possible, weather permitting, and utilize the playgrounds, fields, and blacktop areas at each school. 

Remote Learning Center 

Where will the Remote Learning Center be housed? 
At this time, we are exploring the use and viability of a variety of community spaces that provide optimal learning environments for students.

What are the hours of operation? 
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Programs will be closed on Wednesday.

AM Program, 7:00AM - 8:30AM 
Remote Learning Day, 8:30 - 2:30PM 
PM Program, 2:30PM - 5:30PM 

Families may register for the remote learning day only.

How will student cohorts for remote learning be determined? 
Cohorts will be determined by grade pending enrollment.

Are Virtual Academy learners eligible to participate in the Remote Learning Center? 
Yes. Virtual Academy learners may register for the Remote Learning Center. 

Will there be care options available on remote Wednesdays? Will Cohort A and Cohort B be mixed together? 
Providing care on Wednesdays is in phase 3 of the FACE reopening plan.  We will explore all options for keeping cohorts separate as space allows. .

Will there be full-time nursing and custodial support onsite? 
Yes, both nursing and custodial staff will be onsite. 

Will FACE staff provide oversight to student remote learning?
Yes, FACE staff will provide oversight to remote learning. Staff will ensure students maintain their individual remote schedules as well as provide support for short and long term assignments. 

Are students expected to bring their own laptop/Chromebook?
Yes, students will be required to use their own or school-issued electronic device.

What does a typical day include for remote learners? 
Remote learners will follow their remote learning day schedules as planned by their respective teachers. In addition to specific remote learning blocks and independent learning time,  students will engage in structured creative enrichment activities, recreational outdoor activities, lunch (student provided), snack and socially distanced peer interaction. 

Will snack and lunch be served? 
Students will be required to provide their own snack and lunch daily.  

Breakfast and snack will be served to remote learners who also participate in the AM or PM Care programs.