Center School Attendance Notice 1/13/23

Consistent attendance in school is essential to a student’s academic success and social development. Every student is expected to attend school daily unless there are serious reasons to the contrary.  The past few years have presented challenges in maintaining consistent attendance at school for students. We understand the challenges these unprecedented times have had on all of us and are focused on a new year with the opportunity to make attendance at school a top priority.

Listed below are the absence, dismissal, and tardiness policies that are included in our student handbook and are to be followed by students and parents/guardians.  

As we approach the mid-point of the 2022-2023 school year, we will be reaching out individually to families who have students with extensive unexcused absences, tardiness, or dismissals. We will provide a copy of the attendance record for you to review and ask that you please let us know if there are excused absences that are not noted on the report.

Going forward, we ask that all parents/guardians adhere to the policies for attendance in school and provide the appropriate communication needed. Please contact me directly if there are issues around attendance and we will work together to resolve them.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs. DeGrenier


School Handbook, Page 11

It is important that a student acquires the habit of regular attendance. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are encouraged to promote good attendance and to refrain from making plans, which will interrupt the educational process. When parent(s)/guardian(s) request assignments for absentees, they understand that this work will not replace a full day of teacher classroom instruction. A large percentage of elementary instruction consists of oral work and classroom participation.

When a student is absent, the parent/guardian should call the school’s main office number and leave a message. If a parent/guardian or student has any questions or concerns regarding any attendance issues, they should speak to the Principal. 

  • For absences of five (5) days or more, students must bring a doctor’s note upon return. 
  • Upon receipt of acceptable documentation, the school may excuse lateness, absences, and dismissals for the following reasons: medical/dental appointment, funeral, legal appointment, religious holiday, and at the discretion of the Principal/Assistant Principal. 
  • All other absences are considered unexcused

Attendance Notification Program

School Handbook,  Page 12

If a parent/guardian fails to notify the school of an absence, students who are absent from school will receive an automated phone message informing the parent/guardian of the student's absence. 

  • Students who accumulate five (5) or more unexcused absences, or who miss two (2) or more periods unexcused in at least five (5) days in a school year, will receive written notification of such absences. 
  • Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be given the opportunity to meet with the Principal, or designee, to discuss an action plan for student attendance. 
  • Additional notifications may be sent as necessary.

Dismissal from School

School Handbook, Page 12

Emergencies and other unforeseen circumstances may require early dismissal. If a parent/guardian wishes to pick children up from school, they are requested to notify the school in writing. Parent(s)/guardian(s) who pick up their children during the school day or prior to regular dismissal are required to sign the student out in the office. 

  • Dismissals for medical, dental, legal appointments, religious holidays, or to attend a funeral are excused dismissals from school. 
  • All other dismissals are unexcused.

Tardiness to School

School Handbook, Page 12

Students arriving after the opening bell stated under school hours (8:30 am) are considered tardy and must report directly to the main office. Students who are tardy to school are recorded as “excused tardy,” or “unexcused tardy” and this appears on the daily attendance report. For a tardy to be “excused”, the student must have had a medical/dental appointment, legal appointment, or a funeral and provide acceptable documentation. Parent/guardian notes will only excuse a tardy due to a funeral.

  • Students who accumulate four (4) or more tardies in any one term will receive written notification from school administration. 
  • Tardies for medical, dental, legal appointments, or to attend a funeral are excused tardies.
  • All other tardies are unexcused.