Center School Celebrates Fourth Grade Students 6/15/20

Please take a drive by Center School this week to see the amazing lawn display for our fourth grade students!  They are all STARS to us!  We will be leaving the display up through the end of the day on Wednesday and welcome our fourth graders to come by anytime on Thursday or Friday and take their sign.

Reminder:  If you haven't returned your 'rock' please drop it off anytime this week to the  box at the front door.  Thank you!

Our car celebration on Wednesday is ready to roll! We invite you to decorate your car, make signs, or whatever works for you family to show your grade four pride.  We have planned a fun filled send off for our students so be prepared to celebrate as you roll through the back driveway fo Center School.  You can enter the car line for your class at the driveway off Silver Street.  I am including the times for each class below and have attached the original notice.  Grade 4 Celebration Notice.53120.pdf 

  • 8:30 am - Ferguson
  • 8:55 am - Walsh
  • 9:20 am - Gordon
  • 9:45 am - Bryerton
  • 10:10 am - Capraro
  • 10:35 am - Tavares
  • 11:00 am - Luccarelli
  • 11:25 am - Polansky 
  • 11:50 am - Lancaster

A special thank you for Nicole Sullivan and the Center PTA for all of their support this week to celebrate our fabulous fourth graders!

PDF icon grade_4_celebration_notice.pdf377.33 KB