Center School CORI and SORI Forms Information 9/20/23

September is the time to update or submit CORI/SORI Forms so that you are all set to volunteer in the school or chaperone on field trips, etc. The last time to submit a CORI/SORI for this school year is Thursday, September 21, 2023. We will have a table set up in the lobby during Curriculum Night and you can stop by and complete a CORI/SORI that is good for two years.

If you are unsure if your CORI/SORI is expired/expiring, please check your Aspen Portal and it will tell you. If you are still unsure, we can check for you on Thursday evening or you can call the Center School Office (781-826-2631), and one of the administrative assistants will check in Aspen for you.

You need a valid driver's license when you submit your form. CORI/SORI Forms will be available Thursday evening or you can download a copy and complete it in advance. 

Thank you, 

Mrs. DeGrenier