Center School Grade 4 Celebration and Concert Information 4/11/24

It is hard to believe that we are in the last months of school, and very soon, our fourth graders will be exiting the building for the last time to move on to fifth grade and begin their middle school years. They are ready in so many ways for this transition, and we are very proud of all they have accomplished. They are learners, problem solvers, world changers, friends, and, most of all, respectful, responsible, and safe individuals. There is so much more they will learn and practice. We are excited to see and hear all about their upcoming years!

Before they go, we'd like to have some time to celebrate our students for their hard work in elementary school. We have planned several activities over the course of the last week of school that will include you and time for being with friends. Over the past several years, we have had to shift plans as we merged our schools and made adjustments for COVID-19 times. This year, we hope that we are making some new memories that include the best traditions from both elementary schools in years past. To do this, we have considered crowd size, location, and what we want to plan as a send-off for our students and you. We hope that you will support our plans and know that after fourth grade, there are many important moments to celebrate all the way through high school graduation. I am confident that those celebrations will include all the experiences you wish for your child.

With a class of 229 students, we have divided some of our plans into smaller groups while holding a day for students to be all together and have time to celebrate with their friends at school. As we make these decisions, we have considered all aspects of event planning: maintaining a regular school day with staff and students in the building, facility capacity, and parking. I hope that you will join us and celebrate our awesome fourth graders! If you have questions or need more information, please reach out to me and I am happy to talk with you. 

Warmest regards,

Mrs. DeGrenier

Grade 4 Celebration Week

  • Tuesday, June 11th (Walsh, Ferguson, Tavares, Gordon)
  • Wednesday, June 12th (Capraro, Reh, Hoffman, Bryerton, Lancaster)

Additional Details About Our Grade 4 Celebration Week Plans

We will hold our celebration breakfast, ceremony, and concert on Tuesday, June 11th and Wednesday, June 12th. We have divided the grade level and would like each student to invite two adult guests to join them. This event will be held in our cafeteria and will include about 350 attendees (100-125 students +  200-250 guests) each morning. This is a general overview of our plans:


8:45-9:30 am - Center Cafeteria

  • Light breakfast refreshments and mingle with students and their guests, photos, etc
  • Presentation of certificates (Teachers)
  • Walk down memory lane (Students, teachers, guests)

9:30-10:00 am - Center Auditorium

If you would like to invite other family or friends to the concert only, seating is available in the auditorium and auditorium doors will open at 9:25 am.

  • Spring concert and Avatar performed by our Fourth Grade Chorus 

10:00 am - Center Gym

  • Grade 4 Art Exhibit and Self Portraits

Student Celebration Day

Thursday, June 13th

Students will spend the day as a class with lots of activities planned. Students will receive their signature t-shirts to wear this day! We will be asking for a few grade four parent volunteers to help out with parts of this day.  

  • Cookout picnic lunch
  • Sundae bar
  • Memory movies
  • “Rock” the courtyard
  • Signature T-shirts
  • Music provided by Boosterthon
  • Memory books and signing

Hawaiian Day

Friday, June 14th

Students are invited to dress for this theme. Teachers have planned this day and will send out more information closer to the last week of school.

I want to THANK the PTA for sponsoring this event and the signature t-shirts for each student, the volunteers who will make these days possible, our cafeteria staff for preparing our event treats, and our TEACHERS for making this time a special memory for our fourth graders.  It takes a village!

Links to the concert and all video presentations will be shared with grade four families following the celebration days.