Center School Home Learning Plan 4/5/20

The staff at Center School has been thinking about you and many teachers have been able to connect with their students virtually over the past week. This has meant so much to all of us and we hope it was a bright spot in your child’s week, too!

In a letter put out by the Commissioner of Education on March 26, 2020, he captures how we all feel:  “Remote learning cannot replace students’ experiences in school communities with their teachers, administrators, and support staff. All of the students and educators with whom I have spoken this week sorely miss learning in person as part of a community.” Center School echoes these sentiments. Our guiding principles remain the same during this extended school closure:

  • The safety and well-being of students, families, and faculty.
  • Maintaining connections between school staff and students is paramount
  • Engaging students in a remote learning plan which provides meaningful lessons that comprise 2-3 hours a day of academic learning, including specialist time and time for physical activity.

As we move into phase two of the extended school closure (April 6-May 4) we have updated the home learning plans, K-12.  The changes to our home learning plan was to create a more specific routine for students/parents and help direct remote learning on a daily basis with specific directions and expectations for students.  Our goal was to create a home learning plan that was just right and educationally responsible for all of our students.  We recognize that these plans will not be enough for some, and too much for others.  It is essential that we partner together and maintain an understanding that there will be many reasons outside of our control that will impact these plans. Our collective job as caregivers and educators, is to communicate and adjust expectations based on an individual basis as needed.  

In addition to our home learning plans we have developed a webpage for Center School that will support our students while they are away from school.  The website includes virtual tours, enrichment, specialists, and links to a variety of educational websites for each grade. Our  website will update weekly:

Be safe and stay well, 

Mrs. DeGrenier