Center School Incoming Grade 2 Parent Night Handouts 5/20/22

It was great to see so many parents in attendance last evening. If you were not able to make it, I have attached the two handouts shared at the parent night.

We got a few questions during the tour portion of the evening. 

  • Are there volunteer opportunities in the classroom? YES!
  • Do the kids go out in the courtyard? YES! We have garden beds and hope to begin building our gardening program with the support of the PTA.
  • What are the summer hours if we need to reach out to someone in the schools? We take summer vacations and try to have someone in the office several days each week. It may take us a few days to return your call or email but you will hear back from us!

We look forward to getting to know all of you and your children over the next three years!

Mrs. DeGrenier

Mr. Wilson
Assistant Principal