Center School News 6/14/20

It is really quite impossible for me to process that this is our last week of school.  The time together ended quite abruptly and put us into a remote learning environment for 17+ weeks.  The biggest  regret this year is the time lost in person with our students.  The staff and administration at Center School have done our very best to provide an academic learning plan as well maintain those ever important social connections with our students.  The uncertainty of our times has put us all out of our comfort zone in one way or another. And because of the risks we all took, I want to thank our parent community for coming along with us and doing your best to support learning at home.  We know that it was not easy and required a lot on your part.  Thank you for a true home-school partnership during this extended school closure.

I  also want to say a special thank you to all of our teachers, reading specialists, specialists, special educators, and counselors.  The work done since March is a true testament to their efforts to figure out, plan, and execute virtual learning.  Not something we can say we knew a lot about prior to school closing.  But the biggest thanks goes to their desire to remain present in their students lives.  Last week we had days planned for students to pick up personal belongings.  This was done with much love and care on the part of our teachers who packed and wanted to be present to have that fleeting moment to say hello and goodbye to their students.  It was great to have many of our specialist teachers, special educators and tutors present to see their students too!  There were smiles and tears from adults and children which spoke to how important it was to see each other in person one more time!  Thank you teachers. ~ You are one in a million!

I will continue my Sunday posts weekly throughout the summer.  My hope is to bring you updates and keep communication available to you as we plan for the return to school, whatever that may look like for all.  I have heard from some many of you that the uncertainty of the future is so very stressful.  I completely understand and will keep you posted as we get information and updates on what is coming next.

This week, I will have additional information and reminders for you as we move towards the last day of school so please be on the lookout for a few more school messages.  

Thank you again for your kind words, continued support and patience during these past few months.  I wish you all a summer that is safe and fun.  Stay well and we will see you all soon!

Warm regards,

Mrs. DeGrenier, Mr. Wilson, and Mrs. Hillary

This Week


Home learning plans have been posted for the week. Teachers are wrapping up assignments and have posted some theme related work to keep students engaged this last week of school.

Special Education 

IEP accommodations and/or modifications for the week are posted in your child's google classroom.  Many assignments are wrapping up and themed activities have been posted for the week in hoped of maintaining student engagement.  The link to the special education webpage will take you to all of our graphic organizers, reference sheets, resources, websites, and learning activities. You can also reach pages for speech/language, multi-sensory reading, Occupational/Physical Therapy, STARS

Report Cards

Report cards will be posted in Aspen on Thursday, June 18th at noon.

Progress Reports

IEP progress reports will be emailed to you by your child's liaison on Thursday June 18th at noon. If you have any questions about progress reports or report cards, please reach out to your child's teacher by 3:00 on Friday 6/19.

Chromebook Collection

We have decided to collect the chromebooks on loan this week so that we can do technology maintenance over the summer have them ready for the fall. I will be sending a google form to every family tonight.  If you need to keep the school's chromebook for summer learning there will be a place on the form to indicate your need.

Library Books

Please check the house for any library books you may have had signed out in March.  You can drop them off at Center anytime this week.  If we are not open, there will be a bin by the front door to place the books.  Thank you!


We will be sending out summer materials similar to what we do every June.  In addition we will keep our home learning website live along with all of the lessons from teachers and specialists.  We have had several requests from parents who wished they had had time to get to more of what was posted and asked for this option.  Access to Lexia will be available for all students until July 31 and access to I-Ready will be available to all students until mid-August.