Center School News 6/25/20

It was a busy week with the Governor’s announcement and updates from Superintendent Ferron regarding the return to in person learning! There is much planning to do but knowing we will see our students for in person learning is the best news we’ve had in a while.  More updates and information about the fall will come in small doses throughout the summer.  We will be sending a survey to you in the very near future to get your feedback on what worked and what didn’t during home learning this past school year. We will also be looking for your thoughts as we turn our attention to the Fall.  I have included the links shared in Superintendent Ferron’s letter last week.  They are excellent resources and worth resending. 

Looking for something to do on a rainy day and wish you could explore one of the wonderful museums in Massachusetts or check out a museum in Europe?  Our teachers and other educators in the state put together an amazing list of sites to visit and explore.  From science to history to the zoo, this list has it all.   

Library Books

Library books are still due and we could really use your help. We are missing over 200 library books at this time.  To make it as easy as possible we will leave a bin outside of the main entrance each day through July 2nd.  Please drop off any library books you may still have at home.  Thank you!

Gardening Update

I hope all of our third graders have planted their Sunflower and Pumpkin seeds.  At Mrs. DeGrenier's  home garden, I have one pumpkin vine that has begun to grow and one sunflower that has just sprouted.  I would love to hear from you about how your gardening is going?  Send a photo or a note, or an email and share your garden story.  Last year Mrs. Lafond and Mr. Lovell grew the most amazing sunflowers in our courtyard.  Lets see if we can join them with our own gardening success stories.  

Grade 4 Star Signs

The remaining Grade 4 STAR signs are in a bin at the main entrance.  If you can’t make it by to pick up your sign, please see if a friend or relative could help out and swing by to pick up your sign.  Any signs left on July 1st will be placed inside and eventually discarded. 

For now, I hope you enjoy some of the summer weather and Fourth of July at the end of this week.  There won’t be a Sunday message on July 5th and I’ll pick back up on July 12th
Happy 4th everyone!
Mrs. DeGrenier