Center School News 6/8/20

June 8-12, 2020

Our time apart from students has been long and that time has been filled with world news, health news, and many instances of family news that has in some small or big way impacted our students’ lives.  Although we are not with them in person each day, we know that the events that take place in our town, state, and the world reach our students and make them wonder and ask questions. When we are in school these questions come up naturally and allow students to let us know what they are thinking and that they have things to share. Our virtual world makes the moments to have small or big conversations a little more challenging but we know our students have a lot on their minds.  We would also be reaching out to your as our parent community to let you know how we are handling conversations or teaching in school and to share some resources with you that may be helpful at home.  At a time when our country as a whole is struggling with issues of safety, respect, and valuing each member of our diverse society, we recognize that it is our job to do our part in promoting a safe learning environment based on respectful relationships and respect for human differences.  This week we will be posting a list of resources on race, racism, diversity, and inclusion for families on the Center School website on Mrs. Madden's page.  These resources will include resources for parents as well as literature books that can be read aloud and are often the best way to start a conversation with  young children.  Our older students more often want to talk about  what they are hearing on the news, from friends, or have read on social media.  They have questions and thoughts and often just want to talk about what is happening and why.  We are here to support our students and parents, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to a teacher or administrator if you or child needs support with these topics.


Home learning plans have been posted for the week:

Special Education

IEP accommodations and/or modifications for the week are posted in your child's Google classroom and this link to the special education webpage will take you to all of our graphic organizers, reference sheets, resources, websites, and learning activities. You can also reach pages for speech/language, multi-sensory reading, Occupational/Physical Therapy, STARS: Special Education Home Learning

Bitmoji Fun

And the winner is with 26/40 correct guesses in the Bitmoji Game is ...... OLIVIA ELLIS!  Congratulations Olivia! Enjoy your DQ gift card!


Students may pick-up personal items this week during their grade level time by driving to the drop off/pick up line behind Center.  Please remain in your car and your child's teacher will bring a bag of your child' items to the car and place in the trunk or on the back seat.  The attached notice has all the details. 
  • Grade 4 - Wednesday, June 10, morning
  • Grade 3 - Friday, June 12, morning
  • Grade 2 - Friday, June 12, afternoon
  • Grade 2-4 - Monday, June 15, 4:00-6:00 pm
Be safe and we look forward to seeing you this week!
Mrs. DeGrenier
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