Center School News 7/31/20

Earlier this month we asked families to complete a survey on home learning so that we could have your feedback on what worked well and what we could improve should we need to implement any kind of home learning plan in the future. The district receive 1012 responses and 336 of those responses were from parents with children in grades 2-4. Our Center Reentry Working Group has spent some time reviewing and summarizing the data to share with you. The 336 responses totaled 50 pages of data. Many comments repeated so we did our best to capture all of the feedback while at the same time consolidating similar comments. Please take a few minutes to review the document attached. The information enclosed will help us plan for any future home learning.
There are many questions about the year ahead. I want to reassure you that there is tremendous work happening on all aspects of planning for whatever decision is made for a final model. I am working on a frequently asked questions document and a virtual parent meeting for the very near future with as many answers to your questions or information that I can provide about what the school day looks like for students and how we have safely planned for all of the logistical aspects of our school day. This information will be helpful to parents but also be answers you can begin to share with your children as I know they have many questions too.
Have a wonderful weekend and I will be in touch soon,
Jane DeGrenier
PDF icon center_school_survey_summary.pdf1.61 MB