Center School News 8/9/20

The message this week is set to reach all families that will be assigned to Center School next  year.  If this is the first message you are getting as an incoming second grade family or a new family, WELCOME!  As we move through the next month I will continue to send you a message on Sunday evening with any updates for the week.  As needed, I will send messages more often.
Last week was a very busy week as teachers, administrators, and school committee reviewed plans for the reopening of school for the 2020-2021 school year.  In the event you were away from email communication, we are returning to school in a hybrid model and remote for those who choose not to return to in-person learning and elect a virtual academy model.  Below I have copied excerpts from Supt Ferron's message emailed on Saturday with links to key information: HPS Reopening Plan 2020 presentation or watch the public School Committee meeting on Hanover Community Television.

As we move forward, there are still many questions to be answered. We are working with our staff, state agencies, town leadership and departments, and working groups to solidify plans and to make some very challenging decisions. We have a great team doing this work, and we welcome your questions and feedback to help inform the next steps.  If you have questions or feedback about reopening, please send them to: Messages are being monitored and will be used to create upcoming FAQ publications, and to help guide our next round of public presentations. Questions specifically related to your children should be directed to the school principal. 

During the next few weeks we will be working on the details of reopening Center School and I will be sending you answers to your questions specific to Center School so you know how we will safely plan for the start of the school year.  There is a vast amount of detailed planning that needs to take place now that we know our model and we are committed to sharing all of this information with you along the way.  I will be sending you an invitation for a Center School Virtual Meeting for Parents to be held on August 18th.
Have a great week,
Jane DeGrenier

Important Upcoming Dates

August 17th School Committee Meeting
August 18th Center School Virtual Parent Meeting
September 16th-school year begins

School Supplies

A few questions have been asked about supplies or a supply list for this year.  We have planned for an individual supply box for each student to keep at their desk and it will include pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, scissors etc. that will supplies students need in class, provided by the school, and not shared with peers.  This will take care of any supplies students needs for now.  Once the teachers have had a chance to review the hybrid model they may ask for a few items for each student to have in school but the list will be short and may just be a folder or binder.  We will get this out to you within the next one to two weeks.  One item that is very helpful for students to have at their desk and you may want to send in on the first day of school is a set of Expo low odor dry erase markers (4 pack).  

Message from Mrs. Madden and Gianna

For those new to our Sunday message, Mrs. Madden is our school counselor and Gianna is her comfort dog
Now that we know what our plan for September looks like, our administrators and staff will be using the next month to prepare for a successful reentry to school.  You can also start preparing at home to help your student(s) make a successful transition back to learning, no matter what plan your family is choosing.  Our children look to us to gauge how to react to new or difficult circumstances so a valuable lesson we can teach them right now is that although we may not be able to control the situation, we can control how we react to it and we can make a choice to focus on the positive.  Regardless of your personal feelings about going back to school, it is important to be aware of your own reactions to it and how you are talking about it to your child (or around your child) as your words and actions will directly impact how they feel and think about returning to school, either in a positive or negative way.  Children learn from our example so let's take the opportunity to model problem-solving, flexibility, and emotion management as we work through our changing schedules, collaborate with others, balance work and home, process new information and try to make the best of a challenging situation. 

In addition, knowing that our students will engage in some days of remote learning at home in the hybrid model, below are some practical ways to set your child up for success before distance learning starts and tips to keep them productive and engaged once it begins.  When so much feels out of our control, it can be helpful to have some concrete tasks to tackle before school starts such as, setting up a student working space or making a break box that has items or ideas for quick brain and/or movement breaks at home.