Center School News and Updates 10/19/21

Week of October 18-21, 2021

Inclusive Schools Week

This week we will be celebrating Inclusive Schools Week in our schools. Our entire school will read the book “A Peacock Among Pigeons” during IT and then design a feather to symbolize how unique and beautiful each one of us is and how we create something amazing when we come together, accept one another, and strive to include and show kindness. Every classroom is taking the time to ready books children’s literature ranging on topics from cultural diversity, inclusion, friendship, kindness, and inclusion. Along with the literature, teachers have planned activities to go along with the theme of the week or books they have selected. All of the books and activities planned in our classrooms this week are developmentally appropriate to this age group and support the school-wide goal of our STAR program. 

Safety Drills

During the year we practice several safety drills at school. During the month of September, we practiced our fire drill evacuation plan with the Hanover Fire Department. In October we practice a bus evacuation drill with our bus company. Center School will be conducting the bus drill this Thursday with all students in grades two through four. The drill will be held at the beginning of the school day with the Ingle Bus Company. Later in the school year, we will be practicing our ALICE drill and I will be sending out more information prior to the drill taking place.

Picture Retake Day

Picture Retake Day is Monday, October 25, 2021.  You can still order on with your Picture Day ID: EVTFPZH34.


Room Parents have been notified and will be reaching out to classes about upcoming events and class needs.


We are pleased to be returning to volunteer opportunities in the schools. Prior to volunteering, you will need a current CORI and SORI form submitted. If you are not sure if you are all set with these forms or need to arrange a time to come in and complete these forms, please contact Dawnlisa Pellegrino at 781-826-2631 or, and she will be happy to assist you.

Upcoming and Important Dates

  • October 25th - Lifetouch picture retake day
  • November 2th - No School
  • November 3-9th - Book Fair
  • November 9th - Early release, 1:00 pm
  • November 11th - Veterans Day Holiday, No school
  • November 24th - Early release at 12:00 pm; no lunch served
  • November 25-26th - Thanksgiving break, No school 
  • December 3rd - End of Term I
  • December 7th - Early release 1:00 pm
  • December 23rd - Full day of school
  • December 24th - Winter break begins