Center School Open Today, December 19, 2023

As of this message, power has not been restored at Center School. However, after consultation with Hanover Emergency Management and public safety, the building is safe for students and staff, and we are planning to open Center School at our normal time. The building remains on generator power that provides heat, hot water, and enough lighting for students and staff to learn and be safe. FACE will be open this morning. 

We will have lunch available for students, but the menu will need to be adjusted. Parents and guardians may want to pack a lunch for your student. Parents and guardians always have the option to keep students at home if safety is a concern. Our school administrators will be flexible with students and families experiencing difficulties as a result of the storm. 

If there is additional information to share with you, we will pass it along to you through our normal communication channels. 


Matt Ferron
Superintendent of Schools