Center School Snow Bowl Information 12/21/23

The Center School Snow Bowl is tomorrow, Thursday, December 21, 2023! This is a fun-filled day for students with many winter-themed activities planned by our PTA, classroom teachers, Mrs. Gordon and Ms. Sullivan. During the past week, students have been earning ‘snowbucks’ as a class for STAR behavior. More ‘snowbucks’ are given out on Thursday at the Snow Blizzard Relays and throughout the day! Snowbucks all go into each class' bank for the coveted “Snowbowl Trophy” given out at the end of the day. Students may wear sweats or pajamas for the day and we strongly encourage sneakers for the Snow Bowl relays in the gym. No slippers, please.

Students voted for the movie their grade will see in the auditorium 'ala movie theater style'. The movies are rated PG. If you wish to opt your child out of seeing the movie, please email your child’s teacher and they will let us know.  

  • Grade 2: We Are Heroes 
  • Grade 3: Sing 2
  • Grade 4: The Mitchells and the Machine

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a great day tomorrow!

Mrs. DeGrenier