Center School Updates and School Opening Delay 2/14/22

We will be having a two-hour delay to the start of our school day. Here are some updates to help you and your child plan for their day.

  • The FACE program opens at 9:00 am for students who attend the before-school program on Mondays.
  • Student arrival begins at 10:15 am for bus and parent drop off.  *If you are a bus rider please assume your pick-up is two hours later than a regular day and allow for some delays as buses make their way carefully given the weather.
  • Our homeroom and school day will begin at 10:30 am. We will pick up our academic schedule at 10:40 am and for some students, this will mean they will begin their day with lunch or recess as this is when it falls in their daily schedule. It will be an indoor recess today. 
  • Valentine's Day activities are a big part of today and this is a special day for our students! We will be going forward with our planned Valentine's activities. If you have any questions about today and the plans for your child's class, please reach out to your child's teacher directly.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Mrs. DeGrenier