Grade 4 Holiday Concert 12/10/19

Students in grade 4 will be performing a holiday choral concert on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 7:00 pm in the Hanover High School Auditorium. All grade 4 students will perform as one large chorus under the direction of Mr. Dustin Lindsey.  Our grade four classes have been rehearsing once a week since mid-September.  We can't wait to hear the sound of a combined 196 voices in concert!

The morning of Tuesday, December 10, 2019, grade 4 students will be taking a bus to the high school for a rehearsal to acclimate them with the larger auditorium and stage. This rehearsal is not open to the public.

The evening of Tuesday, December 10, 2019, grade 4 students should arrive at the High School at 6:15 pm at the main entrance in the front of the building.  We will direct them to their warm up location from there.  Auditorium doors will open to the public at 6:40 pm.  

Students are asked to wear either khaki pants or a khaki skirt for the performance.  Top will be a concert t-shirt~more information on the t-shirts to follow after Thanksgiving.  The attire will be the same for the spring concert.

We will provide updates following Thanksgiving, but wanted to get this date and time on your calendar!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mrs. DeGrenier and Mr. Lindsey