Parent Pick Up

It has been 21 school days since we became one school, one building. It has been exciting and so joyous to have all students and staff under one roof.  Tremendous thanks to our teachers for making this transition seamless and putting in extra time and care to consider every detail of making a change of this magnitude during the school year.  The students are doing wonderfully and our routines are well established.  

The one area we continue to work on is our afternoon pick-up and we could really use your help. On average we have between 50-75 cars picking up at dismissal on any given day of the week. We are adjusting the pick-up time to be 2:55-3:10 PM in hopes that this few extra minutes will help alleviate traffic backing up on Silver Street. It is dangerous for everyone to have our car line backed up onto Silver Street blocking traffic.  As a matter of public safety should there be an emergency and the police or fire need to travel down Silver Street we want clear passage for them.  

Students will be outside beginning at 2:55 PM for dismissal and we are asking that you stagger your arrival between those times. 

We would like to see if the following plan helps us to improve safety and efficiency at pick-up time:

  • Arrive anytime between 2:55-3:10 PM
  • Pull all the way up to the furthest orange cone. We will work to load 5-6 cars at a time from the first orange cone back to the crosswalk lines.
  • Have your passenger window down and state your child(rens) name to the teacher on duty.
  • Have the passenger’s side clear for quick pick up.
  • If the traffic is backed up on Silver Street, pull into the church parking lot between the school and the church that is on Silver Street and wait until you are able to pull into the school driveway. 
  • If there is a delay for any reason, we will ask you to pull into a parking space so that we can keep the car line moving.
  • Please be sure grandparents and care-takers have the school’s pick-up plan.

We are still assessing if our pick-up plan will work on severe weather days.  For now, we will keep it the same and ask that you anticipate delays or a longer pick-up on those days.

Thank you for all your support and enjoy the week-end! GO PATS!

Mrs. DeGrenier