Picture Retake Day is Monday, October 28, 2019

LifeTouch will return on Monday, October 28, 2019 to do picture retakes for both individual and class photos.  We have several classes that need retakes and we will being doing them on retake day.  If you were absent on picture day or were not satisfied with your child's individual photo, please plan on having them retaken on the 28th.

If you need a new order form or have any questions, please contact Dawnlisa Pellegrino (dpellegrino@hanoverschools.org or 781-826-2631, ext. 1).

We have a list of student who were absent on picture day in September and will call those students for photos.  

For any student wanting an individual retake, please send in a note/email to the teacher so they know and can send the student down for a photo.