Back to School Updates

We are just days away from returning to a new school year and I thought it would be a good time to send along some updates!  We are so excited to begin the school year in our new building and can't wait for you to see the changes since we moved in June.  Furniture is in and the teachers have done a wonderful job preparing for the students to arrive next week.  Our new technology is ready to go and 

We remain under construction until January as they complete the renovation of the original Center School.  I had a chance to get a glimpse of the work being done on the other side and it is simply amazing.  You will be delighted with the work - it is like a new building!  The remaining work is done in many small phases and as I have the turnover dates of each of these small phases I will share them with you. Please know that all school services and instruction will be up and running for the school year beginning on September 5th and we have planned accordingly where needed.  The following turnover dates are confirmed:

  • September 4 - Gym, large playground
  • September 14 - smaller playground
  • September 18 - Media Center, Art Room, OT/PT Room

We have planned for the first 9 days of school and have temporary spaces available for music, art, Library, and OT/PT.  A special thank you to Mrs. Monahan, Mr. File, Mrs. O’Shea, and Mrs. McDermott and all of our staff for their flexibility as we open up the school year.

An 'Open House' for students will be held on Tuesday, September 4thfrom 2:00-3:00 PM.  Please use parking at Sylvester parking lot, Center parking lot, or public parking lot at Sylvester Field.  There will be easy access between buildings.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Sylvester: Parent drop off and pick up, as well as bus drop off/pick up will remain the same as last year. Enter the one-way driveway off route 139 and drop off at the front entrance. You can look forward to the return of Mr. File at your morning drop off!

SCORE will remain at Sylvester school for both the before and after school program to begin the school year.  We do plan to move the program to Center School at some point in the fall and will keep you posted so you are prepared for the change.  Parents dropping off or picking up from SCORE are asked to use the front parking spaces at Sylvester.  Students in grades K-2 who attend the before or after school program will be walked to Center School in the morning and afternoon.  In inclement weather, the SCORE staff will determine if busing is needed.

Kindergarten SCORE will be housed at Center School beginning September 7th and parents are asked to dismiss their child from the main entrance until further notice.  After school SCORE for Center 

Center: We have put a temporary plan in place for drop off and pick up at Center School for the Fall. Should changes be made, we will notify you in advance of the new procedures.

  • Parent drop off and pick up:  Enter the first driveway at 65 Silver Street.  You are entering the same initial parking lot as the buses and will bear to the right and not enter the bus loop.  You will drive along the building around to the back and line up along the curbing next to the playground.  Please remain in your carat both drop off and pick up and a staff member will walk your child to your car.
  • The car drop-off and pick-up area is only open from 8:15-8:30 and 2:50-3:05.   All other times a gate will be down so that vehicles may not enter the driveway that passes the playground.
  • Parents may park in the front parking spaces in the loop and dismiss from the main office at Center from 8:30-2:45.  
  • Buses only will use the loop from 8:15-8:30 and 2:50-3:10. Bus drop off will remain the same as it did last year at Center School.

We ask for your patience as we begin the school year and adapt to the new building and changes in our routines for arrival and dismissal. Plenty of staff will be on hand to help direct traffic and to support students as they learn their new arrival and dismissal procedures.

I will have more communication coming to you over the weekend and look forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday.

Enjoy the long weekend and those last few rays of summer!

Jane DeGrenier