School News 10/15/18

This week we will be focusing our attention to our inclusive schools week theme of "A Kaleidoscope of Friends".  As a school we will explore the importance of being a friend and how empathy and kindness play an important role in friendship.  We will use children's literature including "We are All Wonders", "Invisible Boy", and "Rainbow Fish" to facilitate discussions. Throughout the week activities are planned to celebrate friendship and being inclusive of everyone we work and play with at our school.

The book fair is taking place all week in the lobby of Center School.  The book fair schedule is attached as a reminder of which grades attend which days this week. A reminder that parents are welcome to meet their child at the book fair by using the main entrance to Center School only. Parking is available at Center School in the front loop, along the roadway, or in the Congregational Church Hall lot.  The book fair will also be open on Tuesday evening from 5:30-7:30.

Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled on Tuesday 10/16/18 in the afternoon (1:15 PM - 2:45 PM) and evening (5:00 PM - 7:45 PM) and on Tuesday 10/23/18 (1:15 PM - 3:00 PM). Please email your child's teacher if you do not have a conference time scheduled for this term. 

Have a good week!

Jane DeGrenier