Bus Procedures

Welcome back and thank you for making the first few days a huge success.  There have been so many highlights in such a short period of time.  First, I have been extremely impressed with Drop off and Pick up.  Due to the efficiency of our HMS families, morning drop off time is averaging 5 minutes less than last year.  Additionally, more students are riding the bus and students are being safe and respectful during these rides.  On numerous occasions, the bus drivers have expressed how pleased they are with the level of respect students are displaying.

We have had a multiple requests for students to go home with their friends on a bus other than their own.  Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate changes in student transportation for a variety of reasons.  Currently, our buses are at the maximum safe capacity.  The safety of our students is always our number one priority, so we are asking that you do not send in notes allowing students to go home on a bus other than the one established as their primary transportation.

Thank you for bringing your students to HMS,

Joel Barrett
Assistant Principal