Hanover Middle School Grade 6 Camp Squanto Trip Reminders 6/7/23

6th Grade Week Long Camping Trip to Camp Squanto

Plans are being finalized for the Sixth Grade Camping Trip to Camp Squanto. Here are a few last-minute reminders and requests.

  1. Students are expected at the Hanover Middle School, using their own transportation, between 8:00 and 8:20 am, Monday, June 12, 2023.
  2. In the event of illness on Monday, please call the school (781-871-1122) before 8:00 am and notify the school nurse. It will be better to miss one day than to be ill all week.
  3. Students will not be able to call home. Students may NOT bring CELL PHONES to camp. The camp phone number (an unmanned answering machine) is 508-224-2010, and it is for EMERGENCY use only! In an emergency, contact with the camp should be made through the Hanover Middle School main office.
  4. Please check that all personal belongings are marked with the owner’s name. Please tag all items, such as clearly labeled duffel bags and sleeping bags.
  5. If there is any item of concern or any other major health precaution, please contact the Hanover Middle School and talk with the school nurse, who will note the necessary information and ensure the necessary steps are taken.
  6. All medications must be hand delivered by a parent to Mrs. Casey, our school nurse at the middle school (Due Today). All medication brought to camp must be in its original container.
  7. Parents/guardians should pick up their children and gear at the Hanover Middle School on Friday, June 16, 2023, at 11:40 am.


The Sixth Grade Teachers