Hanover Middle School Instrumental Music Sign-up 8/14/23

Learn to play an instrument in Grade 5!

Students can learn to play an instrument at Hanover Middle School and then be part of the band! Learning to play an instrument is a wonderful way to make new friends, build technical and creative skills, and have fun as a team. We offer beginning instruction in flute, clarinet, saxophone, French horn, trumpet, trombone, and percussion. Instrumental music at HMS consists of a weekly small group lesson for grade 5, and then includes full grade-level band ensemble rehearsals starting in grade 6. No previous experience is necessary. Even if your child is unsure what instrument they want to play, they can still sign up now and finalize their decision after the instrument demonstration in September. 

How to register

  1. Read the info sheet (also attached), which includes answers to the most frequently asked questions.
  2. To learn the difference between the instruments, visit bepartofthemusic.org/bpotb, click videos, and watch the short clips to get an idea of the instrument choices.
  3. Complete the HMS Music 2023 Instrument Sign-up Form. Even if you're not sure which instrument you might choose, this will help us start planning our instrument classes.

Please email me if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting all of you in a few weeks! 

Julienne Thornell
Director of Instrumental Music