Hanover Middle School Postural Screening Information 10/17/23

The Hanover Middle School will be conducting the state-mandated annual Postural Screening from November 2, 2023, to November 13, 2023. This screening aims to detect early signs of possible spinal problems in children in grades 5 through 8. It is not a diagnostic service, but a program to identify young people who may need further evaluation. This year, postural screenings will take place at the beginning of your child's PE class in the locker room. Please remind students to bring a tank-style shirt to their PE class.

If your child has any unusual findings, you will be notified and asked to take your child to his/her primary care physician for further medical evaluation. The majority of students exhibit no findings. If nothing unusual is found, you will not be contacted.

If you do not want your child screened, please complete and detach the below and deliver it to the school health office immediately. If you prefer to have your child evaluated only by one of the school nurses or have questions, please contact the Hanover Middle School Health Office at 781-871-1122.

Please view the attached opt-out form for additional information.


Hanover Middle School Nurses
Kristen Crowley, RN, BSN
Elisabeth MacDougall, RN , BS, NCSN