Grade 6 Camping Trip

Camp Squanto 2024

June 10th through June 14th 2024

Each year, during the month of June, the entire sixth grade from Hanover Middle School participates in an outdoor education camping trip. We are now undergoing the planning and preparation for this year’s trip to Camp Squanto in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Camp Squanto is a certified camp owned and operated by the Boy Scouts of America, Old Colony Council. Hanover Middle School leases the entire facility for the entire sixth grade.

Camp News Updates

Camp and Planning Information


Students should arrive at Hanover Middle School with their luggage and gear no earlier than 8:00 am and no later than 8:20 am on Monday, June 10, 2024. As you can imagine, there are countless details that the teachers and staff must address on that morning. There are no provisions for student supervision prior to 8:00 am. Students should report directly to the cafeteria after their luggage and gear are dropped off at their homeroom’s designated spot.

Students must have their names on everything they bring to camp, including luggage and sleeping bags. In the event of inclement weather, please safeguard luggage and sleeping bags in large trash bags that are properly labeled.

All medications must be hand delivered by a parent/guardian in its original container to Nurse Kristen Crowley ( or Nurse Beth MacDougall (

Students must be in their homerooms at 8:25 am for attendance.

At 8:30 am, students will board school buses to depart for Camp Squanto.

The front of HMS must be kept open for several equipment trucks, nine school buses, and several smaller support vehicles. There will be NO PLACE for parents to park and stay. Parents are asked to drop off their children and leave the middle school parking lot to allow others in. There will be over 200 students with their luggage arriving simultaneously, and we must keep traffic flowing. Please say your goodbyes in advance.

Cell Phones

Students will not be able to call home. Students may NOT bring CELL PHONES to camp. The camp phone number (which is an unmanned answering machine) is 508-224-2010, and it is for EMERGENCY use only! In the event of an emergency, contact with the camp should be made through the Hanover Middle School office.

Personal Belongings

Please check that all personal belongings are marked with the owner’s name and tag all items, such as duffel bags and sleeping bags, with names as well. If there is any item of concern or any other major health precaution, please contact Hanover Middle School and talk with the school nurse, who will note the necessary information and make sure the necessary steps are taken.


The busses carrying the students and their luggage back to school will arrive at HMS at approximately 11:40 am. All other students at HMS will be dismissed at 11:00 am, so we kindly appreciate the cooperation of all parents/guardians picking up their child to NOT arrive at the middle school prior to 11:20 am. Thank you in advance! We’re asking parents to pick up their child and luggage and leave the middle school as quickly as possible. Parents need to make sure their children pick up ALL of their luggage and equipment. Any and all medications brought to camp by students can only be picked up in the HMS nurse’s office by parents/guardians. To make this a smooth transition, the cooperation of all parents/guardians and students will once again be required.

Suggested Equipment List

  • Backpack or string bag
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Long sleeve shirt/sweatshirt
  • Rain poncho or light jacket if the forecast suggests rain
  • Mask
  • snack

Camp Resources

If you have any questions, please call the Hanover Middle School at 781-871-1122 during school hours.