Hanover High School Full Remote Day (Tuesday, April 13, 2021)

As you’re well aware, COVID-19 continues to present a challenge to the sustaining of a safe and healthy educational environment.  In school, however, everyone’s been doing an exceptional job, and I want to take a moment to commend all the staff, faculty, and students who continue to uphold our school-wide safety measures. 

Although we continue to prevent in-school spread, several areas outside of the classroom such as some athletic teams, outside youth sports, and reported social gatherings continue to contribute to an increase in positive cases and corresponding quarantines.  As cases arise in each of these areas, extensive contact tracing is required.  Again, we are working through cases associated with our own football program, certain outside youth sports teams, and we’re working with the Hanover Police Department regarding an ill-advised social gathering that reportedly took place over the weekend. 

At this point, much is left unknown in our investigations.  In order to safely and effectively contact-trace these areas, we’ll need a full day to complete the process; therefore, Hanover High School will go to a full-remote learning environment for tomorrow, Tuesday, April 13, 2021.

We’ll follow our same daily bell schedule and same lunch breaks, but we will do so in a remote capacity via Zoom.  Teachers will contact you with details regarding Zoom links and connectivity. 

Again, Hanover High School is fully remote tomorrow, Tuesday, April 13, 2021.

Our health department asks that all of us avoid any gatherings outside of the immediate family as we work to contain and understand the current levels of contact.   

We’ll reach out as soon as we know anything more definitive. 

That's it for now.  Be well.  Be safe. 

Matthew Paquette