Hanover High School News 5/20/21

I want to quickly touch base regarding some of our recent and upcoming senior events. 

Last Saturday night (perhaps the nicest evening weather of the year so far) was nothing short of magical.  As you know, we held senior prom here at the high school; however, the courtyard and surrounding grounds looked nothing like the high school.  It was something out of a Hollywood set design.  I’ve attended many proms over the years, and last Saturday night’s senior prom was easily one of the best I’ve ever experienced.  I know the seniors’ anticipation and deep appreciation for the event drove much of the positive feelings of the night; nevertheless, everything was done so well, (and by so many people) any class would have enjoyed that setting and that evening – it was that beautiful.  Congratulations senior class – you deserved that one! 

The seniors finish-up academic classes this week…most concluded today.  They rallied on the front drive of HHS today in celebration of the day and to film the closing scenes of the annual lip-dup to be aired next Friday, May 28th – (“0-Day” for seniors). 

In a few minutes, I’m going to step outside with our local Hanover Police and Fire Departments and prepare for our senior town-wide car parade.  If you need an extra copy, the parade route and expectations, please see attached.

I encourage you to grab a spot along the way to cheer them on towards graduation. 

I have a lot of people to thank for the many senior events unfolding right now, and I promise to circle back around with those acknowledgments.  So, so many people to thank for so many contributions.  For now, however, I’m off to the parade. 

Have an excellent evening.  Be well.  Be safe. 

Matthew Paquette

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