Hanover High School News and Updates 11/19/20

In the spirit of health and safety at the high school, one can see how the manifestations of our efforts now mold themselves into routine.  Tables and desks – for instance – are cleaned at every bell, directional arrows are followed at every turn, and students are seated safely in every class.  It was simply satisfying as I walked the building today, moving from classroom to classroom, watching… school – happen.  Educators were teaching, and students were learning – school, was happening.  There was a rhythm to it all.  

We have much for which to be thankful, and we have much for which to be proud.  Thank you! 

This momentum, however, is precious.  I’ve heard rumors rumbling around about a senior “skip day” scheduled for tomorrow (Friday).  If true, and people plan to gather in groups and jeopardize all of our educational efforts – I can’t express enough how adamantly opposed I am to the choice.  Period. 

I know people want to be together.  They want special experiences, and they want some normalcy – but we need to be smart about it.  Schools close because too many people gather.  They close because of sought-after unsafe experiences, and they close because normalcy is forced in an unsafe fashion. 

Be smart.  Be safe.  Be in school.  My goodness, we’re going on vacation in 5 days.  Be smart.  Be safe.  Be in school.  That’s all. 

I wish you all good choices and a happy and healthy Friday. 

Matthew Paquette