Hanover High School News and Updates 2/11/21

College Admissions Panel

We are excited to announce that our Hanover High School guidance department has partnered with other South Shore high schools to make college planning and information on colleges more accessible to our students and families. Duxbury High School will be hosting a virtual College Admissions Panel on February 24, 2021, at 6:00 pm, and all Hanover families are invited to attend. The following colleges and universities will be providing information on their particular institutions and their admissions processes:

Boston University, Bridgewater State University, St. Michael's, Syracuse, University of Vermont

To register, please complete the linked form by February 17, 2021. You must register in order to receive the webinar link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJmb2f9YKkvYzoAX75ib77C2uPjb-RabtDBjqncjJDSgOiHw/viewform 

Update on Class of 2021 Raffle

Today is the day!  The response to the Senior Class Virtual Raffle has been tremendous!  With your help, we’ve raised over $5,000 in just over a week. Please note the deadline to purchase tickets is TODAY at 2:00 pm.  Follow this link to purchase last-minute tickets: https://unipaygold.unibank.com/transactioninfo.aspx?TID=29099

To watch the virtual raffle live, starting at 6:00 pm, go to the Hanover Public Schools Facebook Live events page.

Prizes include gift cards to Alba on Route 53, Prevites, Krase Hair Salon, Ambrosia Salon and Day Spa, and Lil Dukes Ice Cream Shoppe. We’ll be giving away a Trader Joe's bag of goodies and a Rustic Marlin Hanover sign - and many, many more prizes from local businesses. 

Please reach out to class advisors Kathy Gallagher, kgallagher@hanoverschools.org, or Mia Gallagher, mgallagher@hanoverschools.org, if you need more information.

Good luck to all!

That’s it for now.  Be warm.  Be safe. 

Matthew Paquette