Hanover High School News, Senior Class Raffle Update 2/9/21

We had an excellent week last week, with all of us doing our best to support one another.  It’s rewarding to be part of the process! 

Speaking of last week, we experienced some glitches with our tech-connections.  I received some questions about it, so I’m taking a moment to clarify – and to reiterate that our teachers and students did a wonderful job adjusting to those brief circumstances beyond their control.  Excellent job! 

Technology Clarification

Since the start of school in September, we’ve been quite fortunate in terms of connectivity – as we rely heavily on consistent, uninterrupted internet/WIFI service to support our students both in-person and remotely.  Around this time last week, however, this service encountered two impediments to its process.  On Monday, we discovered that a personal device was connected incorrectly to a service printer, one that does not support this type of connection causing a “loop” in the internet services at the high school.  On Tuesday, Google experienced an outage of several services affecting connectivity across the district and elsewhere.  Thankfully, these interruptions are few and far between, and our teachers and students continue in their creativity, flexibility, and their innovation.  Thank you! 

This is a new week, with new challenges, and new opportunities.  Although somewhat sidelined with a little snow, I’d like to keep the week positive and begin with a message on behalf of the senior class:

Help support the Class of 2021! 

As you can imagine, it has been a challenging year to raise money for the Senior Class, and so we’re asking for everyone's support through a "Virtual Spin-the-Wheel" raffle.  With local businesses being very generous in donating items, you can purchase tickets for gift certificates to Marathon Sports, Longhorn Steakhouse, Hunt's Photo, Tsang's, and other community businesses.  Additionally, KAM Appliances has donated 3 Weber Q-Series gas grills to be awarded to 3 separate winners!  All items are listed on the Class of 2021 Facebook page.  Winners will be drawn live on Facebook on February 11th.

Please use the following link to purchase your tickets today!  The price of a ticket is $5.00 or five tickets for $20: https://unipaygold.unibank.com/transactioninfo.aspx?TID=29099

If you have any questions, please contact the advisors to the Class of 2021:

Kathy Gallagher, kgallagher@hanoverschools.org
Mia Gallagher, mgallagher@hanoverschools.org

That’s it for now.  Be warm.  Be safe. 

Matthew Paquette