Hanover High School Update and Orientation Times 9/12/20

Back to School 2020-2021

First of all, thank you for all of your support, patience, and understanding as we all continue to work in collaboration to attend to the final details necessary to open school effectively – and safely.  I'll be sending regular correspondence over the next few days; I’m writing now, however, because I would like to offer orientation opportunities for students prior to our official first day. 

Although we continue to finalize schedules, I would like to republish them to students and include room numbers, teacher assignments, and other relevant information.  (Will be sent Sunday afternoon).  Every day, some element of our educational planning needs updating to account for a continuous stream of changing circumstances – student schedules are no exception.  That said, I didn’t think we could provide an in-person orientation opportunity for students this year, but in review of our thoughtful and thorough preparations, protocols, procedures, and policies – I’m confident we can offer an organized introduction to school this Monday and Tuesday. 

  • This Monday (September 14, 2020), I would like to invite our BLUE cohort students to the high school.  (These students have been identified as cohort A students, scheduled to attend in-person on Monday and Tuesdays).  They should arrive at 12:30 p.m., and proceed to their scheduled 1st period class.  (Not Flex Block)  Over the next ninety minutes, they will make their way through their scheduled 7 periods, locating their classrooms, connecting with their teachers, and orienting to the environment.  Here is the schedule for those students, for that day: Back to School Bell Schedule - Blue Cohort
  • This Tuesday (September 15, 2020), I would like to invite our GOLD cohort students to the high school.  (These students have been identified as cohort B students, scheduled to attend in-person on Thursdays and Fridays).  They should arrive at 10:00 a.m., and proceed to their scheduled 1st period class.  (Not Flex Block)  Over the next ninety minutes, they will make their way through their scheduled 7 periods, locating their classrooms, connecting with their teachers, and orienting to the environment.  Here is the schedule for those students, for that day: Back to School Bell Schedule - Gold Cohort

As students arrive on their assigned days and at assigned times, please know that we are instituting a mandatory directional/traffic flow to the building.  Here is a diagram illustrating the pathways for movement around the building.  These pathways must be followed without exception.  Please know that adults will be on-hand to assist students in finding classrooms and understanding the directional flow of the building: Hanover High School Traffic Flow Diagram

(Cohort C students are being contacted directly by their teachers.  Cohort D students will be contacted by our Virtual Academy team).  

Although I’m writing this email today, I’m not re-publishing student schedules until tomorrow afternoon - target time, 3:00 PM.  No sooner.  At that time, I’ll include more information regarding Chromebook/technology, our COVID-19 Handbook insert (answers many questions), and detailed information regarding the daily bell schedule.  There’s a lot of information to share – so I’m trying not to overwhelm anyone, with all of it, at once.  

Teachers are concluding professional development days next week, so it's nice to be able to incorporate student orientations into these days as well. 

Here is a quick update on other items

  • We'll be installing directional signage and visual messaging throughout the building over the weekend 
  • Table shields and other protective equipment for all areas of the building will be installed by next Wednesday
  • Each classroom has been outfitted with a minimum of 5 spray bottles of disinfectant and towels
  • All classroom tech is being evaluated and updated
  • Exterior storage pods have been ordered (still finalizing) for excess classroom desks (we want only the desks we need in the classrooms – less surface area to clean)
  • COVID-19 Handbook insert will be made available to you after presented to School Committee on Monday (Many answers to detailed questions are provided in this document)

That's it for now.  Be well.  Be safe.   

Matthew Paquette