2018-2019 Box Tops for Education Kick Off

The Box Tops for Education program raises $7,000-$9,000 annually for Hanover Public Schools. Funds are to help each school purchase items for the students that are not covered by the school budget. Throughout the year we will have 3 contest periods when you will be asked to send in all the Box Tops you have collected since the last contest. Contests will take place during the months of October, February, and again in May. Prizes are awarded to top collecting classrooms and all students benefit from the money raised with this program.

  • Each Box Top is worth 10 cents and they add up to thousands of dollars!
  • It is FREE MONEY found on products you use every day!

Contests are run at Center/Sylvester, Cedar and Hanover Middle Schools. Our first contest begins now! So gather all the Box Tops you have saved over the summer or start clipping now. Box Tops must be sent in to your child’s classroom teacher by Friday, October 26th! PRIZES will be awarded to the TOP COLLECTING classroom at every grade level at all schools.

How to Help

  1. Purchase participating Box Tops products and look for the “official coupon” then Clip It! For a complete list of participating products go to http://www.boxtops4education.com/participating-products
  2. Collect Box Tops and send them into school in a Ziploc bag or envelope labeled with your child’s name, teacher name or homeroom number.
  3. Ask Family and friends to help clip too! There are collection boxes around town so encourage everyone you know to drop their Box Tops at the Library or Transfer Station. Post it on Facebook, email your friends and family, talk it up! High School families that want to participate please drop your Box Tops at the library or transfer station or send them in with a K-8 friend!

GET RESULTS! We earned over $7,000 in Box Tops funds town wide last year. Funds were used to support special events in the elementary schools and toward technology purchases at Hanover Middle School.

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to help with counting this year.

Your Box Tops for Education Team