Hanover Public Schools Weather Update 12/18/23

Hanover H

As you are aware, the wind and rain are causing issues with localized power outages and difficult travel around town. Everyone arrived safely this morning, and we are working with our Public Safety, Town Hall, and Public Works officials to monitor the storm and any impact on school operations for the day.

It is likely that power outages will continue until the storm subsides. Our schools are very safe, and our staff is prepared to make today as normal as possible for our students. The warm temperatures are working in our favor, and schools can remain occupied even with a power loss. Our food services department is prepared to adjust plans for lunch if needed.  

We will continue to work with our local agencies throughout the day and will prepare for a safe dismissal this afternoon. If any additional information is required, it will be shared with you through our normal communication channels.


Matt Ferron