Hanover SNAP Spring 2024 Kickball 4/6/24

Hanover Special Needs Athletic Partnership
Hanover SNAP

This spring, Hanover SNAP is running a six-week kickball season! Registration is now open and will close on Saturday, April 20, 2024. Hanover SNAP, Inc. is a Massachusetts Nonprofit Charitable organization and 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that provides art, recreational, and athletic opportunities for children and young adults aged 3-22 of all abilities, as well as volunteer opportunities for peers and mentors in middle school and high school.  

Registration: https://hanoversnap.sportngin.com/register/form/558944906


Forge Pond Park
Baseball Field 3


Sunday afternoons running from May 4th to June 15th (no session Memorial Day Weekend). Timing specifics will be communicated closer to the start. 


$60 - This will include a t-shirt and trophy 

Hanover SNAP offers financial aid for all of our programs. If your family is in need of financial aid, please reach out to hanoversnap@gmail.com (this information is confidential).

Hanover SNAP is run by a group of volunteers with a passion for and vision of inclusion and providing access to all through arts, athletics, and recreational activities. If you have any questions at all, please email us at hanoversnap@gmail.com.

Thanks and we look forward to a great season!

The Hanover SNAP Team