Happy Holidays, Hanover! 12/22/23


The word believe is defined as accepting something to be true, but it is a very individualized word. Often, we believe in things we cannot see or touch. During the holiday season, we may focus our belief in religious faith, the value of family, or a red-suited and jolly old elf. Every person and family experiences the holiday season differently, and that is part of the joy this season brings to all of us, regardless of the unique challenges that we all face. It is a time of hope, renewal, and the perfect opportunity to strengthen the bonds that keep families, friends, and communities together. It is a time to believe in the better angels of others and to share the best of ourselves.

When the calendar turns to 2024, I believe we will have a great new year because Hanover is a community where people are good to one another, where fairness and kindness are held in high regard, and where children are valued as a precious resource for our community and the future of our nation. Together, we believe that we can never stop learning, growing, and supporting each other, even though we may see the world differently at times. We believe that each of us - especially our children - can soar and succeed without limits in our own way. We believe that our best days are ahead of us and that our children will help lead us there.

On behalf of the entire team at Hanover Public Schools, we wish each of you a peaceful, joyful, safe, and healthy holiday season.  

We look forward to sharing an exciting 2024 together! In that, we can all believe…


Matt Ferron