Holiday Wishes from Hanover Public Schools 12/23/21

Kids Be A Light

Christmas, 1914: World War I 

Engaged in some of the fiercest fighting our world has ever known on the Western Front in Europe, German and British soldiers put down their weapons and emerged from their trenches to walk across a battlefield of destruction.  Taking those first steps toward the middle ground required respect, trust, and faith.  Sworn enemies exchanged greetings, sang carols, shared a cup of cheer, and tended to their fallen comrades together.  This “Christmas truce”, however brief, serves as proof that even during a time of war, our humanity endures and the holiday season can bring peace to all of us.  

Present Day 

Over a century later, we find ourselves in a different time of division, fear, and loss.  It has been a challenging year for our nation, our community, and our families in many ways.  Uncertainty and anxiety are part of our daily experience.  COVID-19 has taken an immeasurable toll on human life, our institutions, and on our civil discourse.  We find ourselves divided along ideological, medical, and cultural issues.  Finding our way to compromise and acceptance seems impossible at times, but have faith, and have hope…  our students are amazing, resilient, and compassionate.  They will inspire and lead us through any difficulties that are ahead of us.

Every day our students show kindness and support for each other, and they are learning with exceptional teachers and staff who are dedicated, innovative, and compassionate.  If we look around, there are countless examples of community spirit and love for our neighbors, friends, and colleagues.  Our digital division is overcome by the empathy and humanity that is present every day in our schools and community, and Hanover rises to embrace those around us who need to be lifted up and supported every single time.

I can’t promise how we will get there, but we are going to overcome these challenges and be stronger on the other side.  Our students, staff, and our families have bent a little, but we have not broken.  Our schools are alive with learning, laughter, fun, and the promise of more to come.  We are moving forward with resilience and determination to get stronger, and we will carry these experiences into the future to make ourselves better, and come back together to ensure a future that lives up to the ideals of our nation and community. 

Out of the darkness, comes light.  I am very pleased to share this special HPS video version of Thomas Rhett’s, “Be a Light” performed by our teachers as our holiday gift to our community.  The music, vocals, and video production are courtesy of our incredibly talented team from across our district: Matt Harden, Michael Wade, Collin Fahey, Dustin Lindsey, Jess Busa, Ashley Arienti, Steve Ryerson, and Matt Plummer (and lots and lots of students and staff).  We hope you enjoy it.

On behalf of all of us at HPS, we wish you a peaceful, joyful, and healthy holiday season, a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year full of hope and happiness!  


Matt Ferron