Learn About Foster Parenting and Adopting from Foster Care 2/2/23

Foster Care

The Department of Children and Families is actively recruiting foster parents for children in our community.
Their goal is to provide our foster children with a supportive and healing environment in a home in their own community until they can be reunited with their families or another plan can be made on their behalf. 
If you are thinking about becoming a foster parent, you can learn more about the application process and the supports provided by the Department by attending an informational meeting. For information, visit the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families or contact Courtney Davis, Family Resource Recruiter, at 508-894-3779, to send an email to Courtney.Davis@MassMail.State.MA.US.

The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families serves children of all ages — from infants to adolescents — from every community — who need a home.

  • You can be single, married, partnered, divorced; or widowed.
  • You can rent or own a home.
  • Time spent with you in a stable and secure environment gives a child a chance to heal.
  • The rewards of providing daily care, guidance, and acceptance to a child are immeasurable.