Winter Weather Update 1/9/24

Hanover H

As you are likely aware, we are expecting another night of heavy rain and high winds. At this time, we are working with Hanover Public Safety and DPW officials to plan and prepare in the event the storm has an impact on road safety and/or power outages at our schools.

We will be monitoring the local weather conditions for power outages, tree/wire damage, and road closures. If these conditions require school closure or delay, we will send a notification via our normal communication protocols by 6:00 am.

As this weather system moves through, please use caution and be aware of your surroundings (especially around trees, branches, wires, and clogged drains/deep puddles) at bus stops and while driving. Parents and Guardians always have the option to keep students at home if safety is a concern. Our school administrators will be flexible with students and families experiencing difficulties as a result of the storm.

If any additional information is required, it will be shared with you through our normal communication channels. Please be safe and have a good night. 


Matt Ferron