Hanover Middle School Camp Squanto Trip: June 4-8, 2007

On June 4, 2007, Hanover's sixth graders set off for the district's 36th annual camping trip. They arrived at Camp Squanto in Plymouth to begin a week filled with fun and learning.

Some of the events from this memorable week included building a model vehicle propelled by air, completing a challenge course and horizontal climb, learning about camouflage in nature,  learning about self-defense, boating, and crafts. 

The sixth grade teachers and camp staff provided a busy and exciting schedule of activities, which culminated in a mighty catapult battle, using catapults built by the students themselves!  Most importantly, students were given the chance to develop a keen sense of responsibility, awareness, and self-confidence.  

Camp was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for this year's sixth graders, and as always, it was a trip never to be forgotten.

Photos: Hanover Middle School Teachers