Student Services Terminology

Chapter 766:  The Massachusetts Special Education Law.

I.D.E.A:  The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The U.S. federal law that directs the states to provide free and appropriate education to all students with disabilities from age 3 until age 22.

Individual Education Program (IEP):  The document that describes a child's approach to learning and identifies modifications to facilitate successful learning.  The I.E.P. outlines the educational programs and services that will be provided to meet the stated goals.  The I.E.P. is reviewed annually by the Team (including the parents) but adjustments can be made at any time when necessary.

Occupational Therapy:  An occupational therapist generally assists a student with delays in fine motor skills which effects their ability to write, cut, etc., as well as sensory integration skills.

Out-of-District Program:  A school outside of our district that has special expertise with a particular disability.

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE):  Inclusion of students with disabilities in the regular classroom to the maximum extent possible with any necessary supports.

Section 504 Accommodation Plan (504):  When a student has a disability but the TEAM determines he or she does not need specially designed instruction, he or she may receive accommodations or related services via a Section 504 plan.  It may be thought of as a plan that is less formal and detailed than an IEP.  Section 504 is part of the Federal Civil Rights law.

Specific Learning Disability:  A disorder of one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using language, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations.